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We are very pleased to announce that the Prairie Independent Scout Association has amalgamated with the Canadian Independent Scout Association.

This amalgamation will allow us to continue to keep the running costs and registration fees to a minimum, thereby keeping the cost of Scouting affordable and available to all.

Latest News!!

Since the early 1960's many changes have been made to the original program of "Scouting" by most Scout Associations world wide who are members of the World Organization of the Scout Movement (WOSM). In fact many people will tell you the original program has been forgotten, thrown out, or decimated.

Today there has been a return to the original program, values and ethics by a large number of independent, non-WOSM, Scout Associations throughout the world.

Unlike many of the world's Scout Associations independent Scouting still wears full uniform, including headress.

Independent Scouting has no paid staff, we are 100% volunteer run. We do not allow door to door fundraising as we believe Scouting should not be a means of teaching children the skills of door to door salesmanship.

Visit our new website at: www.geocities.com/cisa_pc to learn more about traditional independent Scouting on the Prairies!

Traditional Scouting is about the Outdoors!

We subscribe to B-P's original 10 Scout Laws
For further information, please click here to email us